MY MORI : Bridges the silence
June 2023
Graphic | UXUI Designer
Built with
Figma | Photoshop | Illustrator | StableDiffusionAI
Henry Cheung | Johann Duque | Julie Chan
MyMori gives users a land where they can plant a virtual planter. This planter will grow when users “talk” to it, turning into what’s called a Diary Tree. Each day the tree will listen and words of encouragement will find your way.
Inspiration and Design Process
Our concept begins with a small seed. Giving gentleness and care, a seed will grow into a grand tree, and overtime produce a whole forest. We believe humans can thrive with the same process. Continual encouragement and support not only can nurture a person but build together a whole community. This inspired the name of our app, MyMori; using the Japanese word “Mori” translating to, “forest”.
User Problem
Social interactions is one of the biggest challenges we face today, especially after the pandemic. Overwhelmed by feelings of fear, doubt, and even discomfort, it’s become all too common.Unfortunately, no solution has been given to overcome this struggle. Our team’s goal is to find a remedy for these individuals.
Solution | User Task
In MyMori, users have two main tasks:
- Logging into their Diary Tree:
- Sending messages and tagging feeling keywords:
First, the user is asked how they are feeling. Good or bad, they can choose the words that best reflect how they feel.
Then users are encouraged to express their feelings either by voice or text. After telling the Diary Tree your thoughts and feelings, expect to see a little creature appear soon. They will appear, bringing a message to you!
Bringing support to one another, all users of MyMori are able to write a message of encouragement. Users can send messages and tag any of the same feeling keywords to it.
These messages will be sent to someone based on the emotions they expressed to their Diary tree. But don’t worry, the Diary Tree keeps everything else a secret between the two of you.
As users complete the two main tasks on a daily basis, you’ll receive app currency called Seed Points. With these points, you can head over to the menu, click the shopping bag, and buy fun fixtures to customize your land!
After 30 days of consistent care, your Diary tree will fully grow, and a new planter will be given to you. Over time, users will be able to look back to all the trees they grew and ultimately create their grand forest!
AI Collaboration
We designed the visualized space for users to make the communication process comfortable. We believe that AI technology can be leveraged to improve the personalized user experience. MyMemory incorporates text-to-image AI to create distinct trees for users on a monthly basis.
The trees' appearance, colors, species, and shapes, is derived from the mood expressed in users' messages during tree creation. Each tree stands as a one-of-a-kind representation, symbolizing the individual's unique journey and personal growth.
As a team, we chose the topic of social anxiety for our project, MyMori, inspired by the post-COVID era. MyMori is a plant-growing game that combines gamification and self-expression. We considered game elements, user expression, and the benefits for our target audience during the design.
We created the prototype using Figma, AI-generated assets, Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator. Despite challenges in our first hackathon, it provided valuable lessons in teamwork, creativity, and resourcefulness.